The Design Pro license has the most advanced design functionalities, including the
3D Layers, the
Multi-curves Edition and the
2D exports
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Pro Features
One of the most important new feature of Shape3d X is that each curve can be Edited or not in the Top and/or the Side view.
For exemple, editing Rail curve and Stringer curves in the side view allows controlling exactly the depth of the concave or V of your board.
Asymmetric shape means asymmetric surfboards but also hydrofoil or fin design!
The second most important new feature of Shape3d X is the possibility to add or subtract shapes to a board. These shapes are called 3D Layers.
- Import guidelines from file.
- Automatic fitting of the curves on guidelines.
- NACA profile generator for hydrofoils and fins.
- Buoyancy line of the boards, with immersed volume distribution.
- Load ghost board in the STL format (2D / 3D)
- 2D Export
of the outline, stringer, profile, deck and bottom surfaces, and slices one by
one in the Text,
DXF, IGES and PDF formats.
- Export of Hollow Wooden board plan in the DXF, IGES and PDF formats.
- 3D Curvature mode that shows the
curvature variations with color changes. It is a very usefull tool to see the
evolution of a concave or V on the bottom of a board.
- 3D Level lines mode the shows
stripes with fixed height steps. This other tool is very usefull to see the
evolution of the depth of a concave or a V.
- CNC blank / toolpath preview
- Hot wire G-Code export
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Technical requirements
- PC: Windows 11 to 7, Vista, XP, 98 & NT, NT 2000 with DirectX
- Mac: OSX 10.8.0 and later (portage by
- Display XGA at least (better results with a 1600x1200 resolution)